Charles contracted to B&P for twelve years as a food consultant. Before that, Charles worked closely with a former B&P Director at both David Jones and Food Changes. At B&P, Charles worked with over 500 food operators across airports, universities, office complexes, high street and shopping centres to improve shop sales. This included work across all of regional and rural Australia. As a result, Charles has a depth of knowledge unmatched in this country regarding understanding best practice retail F&B. Charles grasps the “big picture” quickly and nuances it into practical advice with real-life examples that reflect his deep understanding of the differences in consumer tastes from State to State and City to City. His excellent rapport-building skills and positive enthusiasm endear him quickly to retail managers and operators from all walks of life. With the hospitality sector immensely challenged by CoVID restrictions across 2020/2021, Charles was instrumental in providing foodservice operators with up to the minute motivation and inspiration to continue staying connected with consumers and keeping customers engaged with F&B operators. His legacy during this time is substantial.
Susan Brain,Director
Brain & Poulter
Corey Law,General Manager
Airport Retail Enterprises
Adam Weinstein,National Operations Manager, Vicinity
Gary Stewart,General Manager, Canberra Centre QIC
Canberra Centre QIC